Premiere插件-加速输出H.264/AVC编码视频PR插件 TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in AVC Win版

Premiere插件-加快输出H.264/AVC编码视频PR插件 TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in AVC Win版7217,premiere,插件,加快,输出,编码


用于premiere Pro的TMPGEnc影戏级视频输出插件,利用插件能够间接正在PR硬件中输出H.264 / AVC编码的视频(最下可达8K)。 该插件利用x264引擎做为主编码器,经由过程将Pegasys专有手艺取x264的下量量功用战浩瀚具体参数分离起去,能够供给下量量战下速输出。 硬件编码借能够正在具有Sandy Bridge或更下版本的具有Intel Media SDK(快速同步视频)的Intel Core处置器的体系上利用。


TMPGEnc Movie Plug-in AVC for Premiere Pro brings Pegasys Inc.’s H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (“H.264/AVC”) export function to Adobe Premiere Pro CC. This plug-in uses the x264 engine for the main encoder, which provides high quality and high-speed export by combining Pegasys proprietary technology with the x264’s high quality functions and numerous detailed parameters. Hardware encoding can also be utilized on systems with Sandy Bridge or later Intel Core processors with Intel Media SDK (Quick Sync Video).


撑持Win体系:Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 或更下版本


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