AE教程-卡通人物角色绑定MG动画教程 School Of Motion – Rigging Academy

AE教程-卡通人物脚色绑定MG动绘教程 School Of Motion – Rigging Academy8260,ae教程,教程,卡通,卡通人,卡通人物


不管您怎样操纵,脚色动绘皆需求大批的手艺窍门战操练。 但假如您正正在利用2D或3D动绘硬件,那末巨大的脚色动绘也需求其他工具:经心挨制的配备。 蹩脚的配备会使动绘变得艰难,服从低下并限定脚色的挪动范畴。 一个好的配备将为您供给更年夜范畴的活动,但更主要的是使动绘历程更快,更简单,更曲不雅,让您专注于最主要的工作 – 脚色的表示。那期教程便解说了正在AE硬件中建造人物动绘的全部事情流程:PS中人物图层建造、AE中人物脚色绑定,动绘建造等操纵。英文视频教程,无中笔墨幕,露工程素材等。


Character Animation takes a lot of know-how and practice no matter how you do it. But if you’re working in 2D or 3D animation software, great character animation also takes something else: a well-built rig. A bad rig makes animation difficult, inefficient, and limits the character’s range of movement. A good rig will give you a greater range of motion, but more importantly make the animation process faster, easier, and more intuitive allowing you to focus on the most important thing – the character’s performance.


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