AE教程-制作图形排版背景动画Skillshare – Background Typography

AE教程-建造图形排版布景动绘Skillshare – Background  Typography5006,


那套教程它是闭于图形排版布景动绘建造,是操练战创立具有Adobe After Effects结果的根本内乱容。起首,将教您怎样对图层停止色彩掌握,然后概述了外形东西,并进修了怎样创立任何外形。然后我们再渐渐开端创立布景。将理解3D布景和怎样建造一个布景。每一个视频教程中传授5种以上的结果,并传授有闭AE的根本常识,比方Trimpaths,版式,受版战轨讲受板,MG常识等。


Hello I just published my second class and it is about backgrounds and typography .my entire goal in this class is to practice and create Backgrounds with basic things in adobe after first I will teach you how to make a color control for your layers (if you want to sell your projects ? )and then we overview our shape tool and we learn how we can create any shapes using our arrow keys.



AE教程-建造图形排版布景动绘Skillshare – Background & Typography

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