MASH插件使用教程 Maya MASH Going Further with Motion Graphics

MASH插件利用教程 Maya MASH Going Further with Motion Graphics6517,

MASH插件利用教程 Maya MASH Going Further with Motion Graphics

引见Maya MASH正在Motion Graphics圆里的利用本领,起首引见一些有用率的小本领,然后引见MASH的颜色节面和战阿诺德衬着器的共同利用,最初解说灯光材量

The MASH network in Maya can help you bring your motion graphics to the next level. In this course, Maya MASH: Going Further with Motion Graphics, you’ll learn how to go further with MASH in Maya to animate your MASH network according to music. First, you’ll explore efficient tips, tricks, and expressions to enhance your workflow and obtain great animations within a couple of minutes. Next, you’ll discover the great MASH Color node and how to make it work with Arnold, to add color variations to your work quickly. Finally, you’ll delve into what should be done in Maya regarding lighting and texturing, as well as what you should do in comp to save time and be able to adapt to the client requests. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll accomplish the whole shot from the modeling to the final compositing

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