科幻点阵屏幕对话头像AE教程(含工程) After Effects – Creating Power Rangers Zordon Effect Tutorial

科幻面阵屏幕对话头像AE教程(露工程)  After Effects – Creating Power Rangers Zordon Effect Tutorial3014,

科幻面阵屏幕对话头像AE教程(露工程)  After Effects – Creating Power Rangers Zordon Effect Tutorial 

进修正在AE中将真拍素材建造成科幻气势派头面阵头像结果教程,次要用到自带的Card Dance卡片插件,包罗一切工程文件

In this tutorial by Caleb Ward, you’ll discover how to create the Power Rangers Zordon effect using the Card Dance effect in Adobe After Effects.

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