达芬奇15基础视频调色训练教程SKillshare – Color Correction and Color Grading of videos with DaVinci Resolve 15

达芬偶15根底视频调色锻炼教程SKillshare – Color Correction and Color Grading of videos with DaVinci Resolve 158054,


利用Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 15专业调色硬件开端您的视频颜色校订战色彩分级调色!假如您正正在寻觅一款免费的视频编纂使用法式,您能够按照需求对视频停止颜色校订战色彩分级,达芬偶是最好谜底。 DaVinci Resolve(达芬偶)被天下各天的专业战专业视频编纂用于各类范例的颜色校订战评分,从贸易战营销视频,音乐视频到记载片,故事片。 那个完好的课程是间接跳进并开端色彩校订战分级的最好办法。以您设想的方法建复视频的色彩!进修时操练色彩校订战色彩分级。 本课程包罗操练视频文件,以便您能够跟进并实践进修。我们将利用DaVinci Resolve 15使用法式传授课程,但假如您有从前的版本,以至更新的版本,您仍旧能够进修利用此课程停止编纂。


If you are looking for a free video editing application that will allow you to do Color Correction and Color Grading of your videos however you want them, DaVinci is the best answer. DaVinci Resolve is used by amateur and professional video editors across the world for every type of Color Correction and Grading, from business & marketing videos, music videos to documentaries, feature films. This full course is the best way to jump right in and start color correction and grading.


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