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影戏殊效真拍镜头AE分解教程 Udemy6017,影戏,影戏殊效,殊效,效真,真拍

影戏殊效真拍镜头AE分解教程 Udemy – Understanding the VFX Pipeline Creating Great Looking Shots


This course covers how the VFX process works from starting with an idea for a project, taking it into concept and then going through the process to get to the final. Follow me as I build this shot going through all the different stages. We will focus on the overall picture on what each stage implies and will not get into the technical aspect of the softwares but rather learn what we do in each stage and how we go from one step to another for example: how we start with a storyboard, previs it, move into shooting our footage and so on.

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