手绘软件Painter基础使用教程 Lynda

脚画硬件Painter根底利用教程 Lynda6212,脚画,硬件,painter,根底,利用

脚画硬件painter根底利用教程 Lynda – Painter 2016 Essential Training

Corel Painter IX是今朝天下上最为完美的电脑好术画绘硬件, 它以其独有的”Natural Media”仿自然画绘手艺为代表, 正在电脑上初次将传统的画绘办法战电脑设想完好的分离起去, 构成了其共同的画绘战外型结果。

Learn to paint on a digital canvas with the original digital painting software: Painter. Our Painter training helps you get creative ideas out of your head and into the computer. John Derry, one of the original Corel Painter authors, teaches the essential tools and techniques you need to create stunning works of digital art in Painter 2016. First, learn the basics of painting on a computer, and see how to customize your Painter preferences, tablet and pen, and palettes, so they work best for you. John then shows how to mix and manage color; draw with hard media such as pencils and chalk; ink lines; color with markers; and wield Painter’s expressive bristles and brushes. He also shows how to paint with special media such as watercolor brushes, clone areas of paintings, and troubleshoot Painter pitfalls.


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