Maya物体破碎尘土教程 Simulating a Disintegration Effect in Maya

Maya物体破裂灰尘教程 Simulating a Disintegration Effect in Maya5550,

Maya物体破裂灰尘教程 Simulating a Disintegration Effect in Maya

正在Maya中操纵 nCloth战流体动力教去模仿建造物体破坏结果。

In this Maya tutorial we’ll delve into the simulation of a disintegration effect using Maya’s powerful nCloth particles and fluid dynamics tools.We’ll cover in detail the process of breaking an efficient mesh for disintegration purposes and later emit the detailed secondary particles and fluid simulations. This course also covers a wide variety of tools and techniques along with MEL functions and expressions.By the end of this Maya training you’ll have a clear understanding of how to simulate a detailed disintegration effect.

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