PS人像照片修图工具包插件 Photo Lab

PS人像照片建图东西包插件 Photo Lab6171,人像,照片,建图,东西,东西包

PS人像照片建图东西包插件 Photo Lab – Advanced Photo Tools Photoshop Plugin

Photo Lab是PS的一款扩大插件,包罗人像建图东西、图片自界说比例缩下班具、调色预设等多种功用

Photo Lab provides multi tools as modes, you’ll get now 04 modes, and you’ll get more modes in the upcoming updates for free, buy now and enjoy the future additionals.

  • Basic Retouch: apply a fast retouch to your image.
  • Advanced Retouch: apply a professional retouch + advanced tools to manage it.
  • Face Tools: change the face data in your image with 01 click (AI feature powered by Photoshop).
  • Photo Filters: add a professional color grades to your image (60+ filters in 06 categories).
  • Photo Presets: apply a professional FX to your image (15 presets).
  • Document Resizer: manage your document size easily with aspect ratio and canvas.


  • PS CC 2015.5大概更下版本

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