AE插件-点线面三维粒子特效 Plexus v3.2.4 Mac苹果版

AE插件-面线里三维粒子殊效 Plexus v3.2.4 Mac苹果版33,插件,面线,面线里,线里,三维

壮大的 Plexus 粒子插件浩瀚功用,建造面线三维粒子结果十分的便利,衬着速率快,撑持3D模子导进。您能够将3D模子,存储为兼容性下的OBJ格局,导进AE可做为粒子收射器。您借能够借助途径,战笔墨和灯光创立粒子收射,操纵形式有背通例。同时间接供给多种自界说殊效,分形,色彩,球形场战暗影……


Plexus is a next-gen particle engine for After Effects that lets you create, manipulate and visualize data in a procedural manner. Not only you can render the particles, but also create all sorts of interesting relationships between them based on various parameters. The workflow for Plexus is very modular allowing you to create truly infinite set of configurations and parameters.


撑持Mac体系:After Effects  CC 2014 – 2022


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