AE/PR插件-去朦胧除雾霾增强色彩对比清晰画面调色工具ClearPlus v2.2 Mac

AE/PR插件-来昏黄除雾霾加强颜色比照明晰绘里调色东西ClearPlus v2.2 Mac8020,

ClearPlus是一个功用壮大的插件,旨正在加强包罗恍惚,火下战强光视频正在内乱的素材,它也是加强天空的幻想挑选。沉紧灵敏天使色彩变得时髦。暗影/下光使您能够正在连结天然表面的同时调解图象的差别部门。暗影滑块战除雾滑块能够规复深色地区并使全部图象连结明晰。即便正在昏黄/有雾的夜早拍摄时,也出格合用于强光图象。别的,曲圆图滑块可使用初级曲圆图平衡算法进一步进步图象比照度,同时连结团体均衡。利用它停止火下颜色校订时,除雾滑块战利剑均衡可以让您沉紧得到天然明晰的图象。ClearPlus插件已针对After Effects战Premiere Pro停止了GPU加快。


ClearPlus is a powerful plugin designed to enhance footage including hazy, underwater and low light videos,  and it is also ideal for sky enhancement. Make the colors pop in an effortless and flexible way.Shadows/highlights allows you to adjust the different parts of the image while preserving a natural look. The shadows slider, along with the dehaze slider, can recover the dark areas and keep the overall image clear. Especially for low light images, even when captured on a hazy/foggy night. Moreover, the histogram slider can further boost image contrast while preserving overall balance using the advanced histogram equalization algorithm.Use it for underwater color correction, the dehaze slider along with white balance lets you obtain a natural and clear image without effort.ClearPlus plugin is GPU accelerated for After Effects and Premiere Pro. HOME –


After Effects 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017
Premiere 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017

v2.2更新内乱容: 撑持多帧衬着; 增加细节滑块


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