AE/PR插件-粗糙复古8bit比特像素效果 RetroDither v1.7 Win/Mac

AE/PR插件-粗拙复古8bit比特像素结果 RetroDither v1.7 Win/Mac2466,插件,粗拙,复古,8bit,比特


假如您是80后,那末小霸王游戏机大概伴您一同走过童年,《超等玛丽》《魂斗罗》《90坦克》《冒险岛》《影子传道》……再熟习不外,多是因为其时的手艺或是才能,游戏绘里能够建造很粗拙,肉眼皆能看到绘里是有许多圆块像素构成,可是却涓滴没有影响我们的兴趣。那款  Aescripts RetroDither 插件,能正在AE中建造模仿出粗拙比特像素绘里结果,lookae.com插件借包罗浩瀚预设,撑持GPU加快。


RetroDither is a GPU accelerated plugin for Adobe After Effects which allows to create stylized images with dithering and color schemes from retro game consoles and home computer platforms.

You could call it ‘save GIF for web’ on steroids on first sight, but in fact RetroDithering is capable to do so much more, having more than 10 different ordered and errordiffusion dithering algorithms and color palettes varying from several adaptive to classic hardware ones, such as ZX spectrum, CGA, MSX and many more.

Now you can do very authentic stylizing, if you’re trying to add some retro feeling into your motion graphics or footage.

v1.7更新内乱容:- 框架更新;- 建复 Catalina 成绩



After Effects CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Premiere CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5


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