Blender插件-更改创建材质纹理混合遮罩工具 Mask Tools 1.6

Blender插件-变动创立材量纹理混淆遮罩东西 Mask Tools 1.62168,

插件可正在Blender中变动纹理化战创立庞大材量的历程。利用自界说节面增加历程结果,或将其间接画造正在模子上。您借能够一次画造色彩,金属,粗拙度,法线战下度图,从而放慢事情流程。 而且,辞别混乱的节面树。遮罩东西有助于使节面设置有条不紊且易于了解。


Mask Tools is an addon that changes the process of texturing and creating complex materials in Blender.Add procedural effects with custom nodes, or paint them directly on your model. You’ll also speed up your workflow by painting color, metallic, roughness, normal, and height maps all at once.


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