Blender教程-三维机器人绑定动画制作 Blender Market – Hard Surface Rigging In Blender

Blender教程-三维机械人绑定动绘建造 Blender Market – Hard Surface Rigging In Blender5558,

本课程里背念要停止拆配游戏并进修拆配机械人,枢纽,液压战其他硬外表物体的初教者Blender用户。保举利用Blender UI的一些根本常识,但除此以外,我们从根底常识开端,逐渐开展到完好的机械人拆配项目,逐渐进步易度。


This course is aimed at beginner Blender users who want to up their rigging game and learn to rig robots, joints, hydraulics and other hardsurface things. Some basic knowledge of the Blender UI is recommended, but other than that we start from the basics and gradually ramp up the difficulty as we move to a complete robotic rigging project.


教程疑息:6小时以上, 1920 x 1080

利用硬件:Blender 2.83 LTS




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