AE脚本-视频涟漪剪辑编辑工具 Ripple Edit v1.1.2 使用教程

AE剧本-视频波纹剪辑编纂东西 Ripple Edit v1.1.2   利用教程4184,剧本,视频,波纹,剪辑,编纂


剧本Ripple Edit为After Effects带去了一套视频剪辑编纂东西,灵感去自Premiere。剧本可让AE像PR波纹剪辑那那样,不管您是需求删除图层,仍是没有念脚动从头定位图层,大概您需求建剪或扩大图层而没有念花工夫正在comp上挪动图层,Ripple Edit是利用AE硬件必备的东西。


Ripple Edit brings in a suite of editing tools to After Effects inspired by premieres editing power. Whether you need to delete a layer, and don’t want to manually reposition your layers, or you need to trim or expand a layer and don’t want to spend the time moving layers around your comp, Ripple Edit is a must have for anyone using After Effects.


撑持Win/Mac体系: AE CC 2014 – CC 2019


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