C4D插件-仿CAD建筑建模工具 LWCAD v2020.00 for Cinema 4D Win

C4D插件-仿CAD修建建模东西 LWCAD v2020.00 for Cinema 4D Win9925,c4d,插件,cad,修建,建模


插件LWcad可用于Cinema 4D的顶级附减建模插件散。 该硬件包的中心包罗一整套尺度的CAD东西和开始进的osnap引擎,它为您喜好的建模法式装备了凡是仅正在高贵的CAD使用法式中可用的无数功用。 最新版本包罗一些反动性的功用,比方及时直线布我值或及时多边形钻孔,正在业界尽对是无独有偶的。 别的另有一组特地用于创立系统构造的存档东西。 它许可用户正在几分钟内乱创立庞大的修建物。 那些新功用将带您进进另外一个建模维度。


LWCAD is a top set of add-on modeling plugins for LightWave 3D. Core of this package contains a complete set of standard CAD tools with the most advanced osnap engine. It equips your favorite modeling program with the countless features normally available only in expensive CAD applications. Latest versions contains some revolutionary features as a real-time curve booleans or real-time polygons drilling which are absolutely unique in the industry. Also new set of archiviz tools which is specially designed for creating architecture. It allows user to create a complex building in a few minutes. Those new features will push you into another modeling dimension

撑持Win体系:Cinema 4D R21/R22/R23


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