Ps插件:真实自然光照滤镜 Digital Film Tools Light 4.0.7 版

Ps插件:实在天然光照滤镜 Digital Film Tools Light 4.0.7 版1739,插件,实在,天然,天然光,光照


Light!许可用户正在本来出有光效的场景中参加光效。用户正在图片上挑选好地区,然后能够同时发生光效取暗影。该插件包罗预设形状取材量库,有窗户、门、树叶取笼统图案。利用者也能够用自创的图形取图案参加到库中以自界说光效。它也能够模仿浩瀚的光教滤镜,包罗烟、雾取收光发烧结果。经由过程明度、颜色(白、绿、蓝、青洋白、黄)、色彩或饱战度,硬件利用独有的非滑腻萃与手艺去断绝部分图片。您也一样能够将其变形、位移取角度定造。 Light!可正在RGB、CMYK取灰度形式下操纵。


Light can be added to a scene where none existed before just as if you were adding light at the time of shooting. Realistic lighting and shadow is introduced using digital versions of the entire gobo libraries created by Gamproducts and Rosco.
Gobos (patterns) are widely used by designers in theatre, film, photography and television to create atmosphere, project scenery, and generally enhance the visual impact of their lighting. Normally used in front of lights during photography, these same exact gobos can be applied digitally to the entire image or inside a matte.



Adobe Photoshop CS5 and up (64 Bit Only) 兼容 CC 2019

Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 and up (Non-app store version)


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