Mac苹果版:影视后期特效合成软件Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio v9.0.2

Mac苹果版:影视前期殊效分解硬件Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio v9.0.22131,


Fusion 是一款将顶尖静态图形战下端视觉殊效分解集聚于一身的壮大硬件。除其先辈的分解东西以外,Fusion 借包罗了片面的画图、静态遮罩、抠像、图层叠减和字幕东西等,并分离了下效能的粒子天生体系。它能从其他法式中导进多少数据,并创立本人的元素,好比文本战粒子等疑息。一切元素都可互相分解,并经由过程Fusion的GPU加快衬着引擎快速输出。它可将多个衬着文件兼并到一个项目中,用于衬着统一个场景中的差别工具。Fusion 毫不仅仅是简朴的图层叠减,它有着一整套创意东西,可正在其3D体系中创立物体战场景元素,那套壮大的体系能处置数百万Polygon多边形,可完成非常庞大的平面建模成型。

Fusion 是好莱坞数一数二的节面式视觉殊效分解及静态图形东西,数以千计的影视做品皆是由它完成。克日,Fusion 7借为《甜睡魔咒》、《嫡边沿》、《罪过之乡2》、《超凡是蜘蛛侠2》、《好国队少》和《天心引力》等出名影戏完成了殊效建造。


Fusion 9 新版本年夜更新,其特性是专为最新的VR假造理想、视觉结果、活动图形战三维事情流设想!齐新的VR是假造理想项目不成或缺的东西,而新的摄像机战争里跟踪功用使得正在连结视角战摄像机活动的同时准确跟踪战让组开物体成为能够。Fusion 9借包罗Delta键控,接纳先辈的图象教,使其成为天下上开始进的抠像。别的,您借能够获得事情室播放器,此中包罗用于跟踪战办理镜头的新的多用户合作东西,和版本汗青记载、正文正文等!


What’s new in Fusion 9!
Incredible new VR tools that bring Fusion to a new generation of artists!
Fusion 9 is a massive new release with features specifically designed for the latest virtual reality, visual effects, motion graphics, and 3D workflows! The entirely new VR toolset makes Fusion indispensable for virtual reality projects, while new camera and planar tracking features make it possible to precisely track and composite objects while maintaining perspective and camera motion. Fusion 9 also includes delta keyer, with advanced image science that makes it the world’s most advanced keyer. In addition, you also get Studio Player which includes new multi user collaboration tools for tracking and managing shots, along with version history, annotation notes and more!




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【Mac 硬件下载】

Mac苹果版:影视前期殊效分解硬件 Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio v9.0.2

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【Win 硬件下载】

影视前期殊效分解硬件 Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio v9.0 AVX插件接心



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