Blender三维模型绘制插件 QuickShape 2022 For Blender 2.83+

Blender三维模子画造插件 QuickShape 2022 For Blender 2.83+1062,blender,三维,三维模子,模子,画造

blender三维模子画造插件 QuickShape 2022 For Blender 2.83+

Quick Shape能够间接正在Blender视窗中画造三维模子,画造的时分能够开启吸附结果、自在度非常下

With QuickShape you will be able to draw shapes instantly in 3D

  • Draw with Box, Circle, Lasso, NGON or Metaballs
  • NGON with Snapping, Freehand drawing and Arc support
  • Draw tapered/bevelled shapes
  • Auto mirroring and arraying for every shape you draw
  • Randomize depth to bring variety to your shapes
  • UVs are kept intact for Photomodelling


  • 2.83, 2.90.1, 2.91,2.82,2.93,3.0,3.1,3.2,3.2.1


  • 将QuickShape文件夹复造到Blender装置目次下的addons目次下,好比:C:\\Program Files\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.xx\\scripts\\addons

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