C4D书签式工程菜单插件 C4DZone Doctor Tab v2.0 For Cinema 4D R18-R25

C4D书签式工程菜单插件 C4DZone Doctor Tab v2.0 For Cinema 4D R18-R252330,c4d,书签,工程,程菜,菜单

c4d书签工程菜单插件 C4DZone Doctor Tab v2.0 For Cinema 4D R18-R25 

正在C4D中新建多个工程项目时,只能正在顶部菜单,窗心下推挑选切换,Doctor Tab那个插件可让一切的工程像菜单一样并排显现,切换愈加便利

DoctorTab is a simple plugin for organise TABS all your opened Cinema4D Projects like Photoshop or Google Chrome. The plugin automatically create a floating window with TABS so you can hang into the Cinema4D main layout for quickly recall. We also created an X for close project and “New” document quick button.


  • Cinema 4D R18大概更下版本


  • 将Doctor_Tab文件夹拷贝到C4D装置目次的plugins便可

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