Blender插件-三维真实玻璃材质着色器 Eevee Glass Shader 使用教程

Blender插件-三维实在玻璃材量着色器 Eevee Glass Shader   利用教程2988,

年夜大都玻璃正在 Eevee 中衬着结果欠安的缘故原由是它没法处置多层合射。您只会看到正里,而厥后里的任何其他合射物体皆是不成睹的。 CGC Eevee Glass 着色器其实不能处理那个根本成绩,但它经由过程让您更好天掌握工具的哪些部门是合射的或只是通明的,奇妙天粉饰了它。成果是玻璃愈加实在可托!供给间接翻开利用的blender格局文件


The reason most glass doesn’t render well in Eevee is that it can’t handle multiple layers of refraction. You’ll only see the front faces and any other refractive objects behind it will be invisible. The CGC Eevee Glass shader doesn’t fix that fundamental issue, but it does cleverly disguise it by giving you more control over which parts of your object are refractive or simply transparent. The result is glass that is much more believable!

撑持硬件 Blender 2.83, 2.9, 3.0


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