C4D阿诺德渲染器水晶场景渲染教程 Skillshare

C4D阿诺德衬着器火晶场景衬着教程 Skillshare3378,c4d,阿诺,阿诺德,诺德,衬着

c4d阿诺衬着器火晶场景衬着教程 Skillshare – Creating Crystal Disperse Scene In Cinema 4D and Arnold Renderer


We are going to start off by modeling some terrain and then get into some lighting and shading which we will be doing everything inside of Arnold and Cinema 4D. We only going to be using Arnold for lighting and shading other than that we are completely going to design all of this inside of Cinema 4D without any third party plugin so I hope you enjoy the class.

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