真实手表硬面建模C4D教程 Udemy

实在腕表硬里建模C4D教程 Udemy7128,实在,腕表,硬里,建模,c4d

实在腕表硬里建模c4d教程 Udemy – Hard Surface 3D Modeling in Cinema 4D: Hyper Realistic Watch


In this course you will learn the full process of creating a hyper realistic 3D watch in Cinema 4D. We will start with an empty file and work our way up to modeling, texturing, and rendering a 3D watch that looks super awesome.

  • Learn to create a high detailed 3D watch in Cinema 4D.
  • Understand the hard surface modeling pipeline in Cinema 4D.
  • Master hyper realistic 3D modeling and rendering in Cinema 4D.
  • Create 3D objects that are animation friendly.
  • Create proper UV maps (UVs) of simple hard surface objects using Cinema 4D’s Body Paint.
  • Create realistic Cinema 4D materials.
  • Lit a 3D scene using HRDIs.
  • Master Cinema 4D shortcuts to improve your workflow and speed.
  • Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
  • Students taking this course should know the basics of Cinema 4D and 3D in general.
  • Students should have Cinema 4D installed in their computers.
  • Students must have the desire to learn and practice new 3D skills starting from Day 1.

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