科幻医疗设备Maya建模教程 Gumroad

科幻医疗装备Maya建模教程 Gumroad8108,科幻,医疗,医疗装备,装备,maya

科幻医疗装备maya建模教程 Gumroad – Medical Device Design with Edon Guraziu

Moi3D, Maya 战Keyshot三个硬件共同,建造科幻气势派头的医疗装备

In this video I show you the entire process of this Design from scratch to finish. The building sequence in Moi3D (majority of the video) will be played at near real-time speed to give you the best experience. You will be able to follow my struggles, mistakes and ultimate success of the design. This video also covers the Maya and Keyshot process which both have been sped up to a comfortable speed. I hope you learn something from this video and enjoy watching it.

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