AE脚本-遮罩关键帧动画自动修改调整工具 KeyTweak v2.5 使用教程

AE剧本-遮罩枢纽帧动绘主动修正调解东西 KeyTweak v2.5   利用教程7538,剧本,遮罩,枢纽,枢纽帧,枢纽帧动绘


正在AE中当您的遮罩动绘超越100个枢纽帧的时分,必需脚动修正它们中的每个去改正毛病,十分的烦琐费事。利用KeyTweak剧本,您只需修正一个或两个枢纽帧,其他枢纽帧将主动变动。 更主要的是,利用KeyTweak,您不只能够修正受版遮罩,借能够修正任何其他枢纽帧属性。 比方,您借可使用它去校订跟踪轨迹,大概快速细化图层的枢纽帧活动等。


Have you ever animated a mask with 100 keyframes then had to modify each and every one of them by hand to correct errors? With KeyTweak, you only need to modify one or two keyframes and the others are automatically changed for you. What’s more, with KeyTweak you can modify not only masks, but any other keyframed property too. For example, you can for example also use it to correct a drifting track, or quickly refine the keyframed movement of a layer.



After Effects CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3


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