Substance哥特式建筑制作教程 Levelup Digital

Substance哥特式修建建造教程 Levelup Digital7845,substance,哥特,哥特式,哥特式修建,修建

substance哥特修建建造教程 Levelup Digital – Substance Designer Dome of Cologne – Carlos Perfume

经由过程本教程,将逐渐进修怎样正在 Substance Designer 中建造庞大的哥特式修建。 跟从做者重现出名的科隆圆顶的一部门,并经由过程那个下度具体战传神的项目去提拔本人硬件的利用才能

In this tutorial, you will learn step-by-step how to make intricate gothic architecture in Substance Designer. Follow along as Carlos Perfume recreates part of the famous Dome of Cologne and pushes the limits of the software with this highly detailed and realistic project.

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