Blender楼房建筑生成插件 Blender Geometry Node Tools

Blender楼房修建天生插件 Blender Geometry Node Tools3304,blender,楼房,房建,修建,修建死

blender楼房修建天生插件 Blender Geometry Node Tools – Procedural Building

Geometry Node能够将简朴的多边形模子,间接转换成庞大的楼房建筑模子,默许包罗7种差别的气势派头能够挑选

Geometry Node system to turn a simple mesh into a complex building!Use the shader assignment system to dictate where to instance any collection you want on your mesh.Be creative! There are 7 different slots to use as you please. Input a collection to randomly pick variations.


  • 3.2


  • 正在顶部菜单编纂(Edit)-尾选项(Preference)-插件(Add-ons)-装置(Install),弹窗里挑选TransferAttributeToUV.py装置

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