

 【体系提拔】教隧道英文教科技立异 讲座课程简介:

1. 独角兽公司是指那些估值到达10亿美圆以上的草创企业。风投人物Aileenlee曾正在2013年11月份揭晓的一篇闭于公司正在创业种子期该怎样背市值十亿级此外公司进修的文章——《欢送参加独角兽俱乐部:从十亿级别公司身上进修创业》激发独角兽高潮”。从当时起,独角兽那一位字便开端渗透并风行创业界。跻身独角兽俱乐部”,同样成为了一切创业者的胡想;

2. 停止2016年1月的数据统计,天下上共有229家独角兽,此中33家正在中国、101家正在减州,总估值为13000亿美圆。


Unicorns to Cockroaches: Tech in 2016

After a year marked by a growth in the herd of technology "unicorns" — privately held startups valued at more than $1 billion — in 2016 firms will strive to become "cockroaches", and prove their staying power in less favourable market conditions. Startups that were investors\' darlings just six months ago are under growing pressure to justify their lofty valuations and achieve profitability. Firms burning a lot of cash, like food-delivery companies and other on-demand services, will struggle: Instacart, a grocery-delivery company valued at $2 billion, is thought to lose around $10 on each order it fulfills, for example. Some unicorns will dip their hooves into the public market, testing investors\' tolerance for loss-making startups. Others face different challenges: Uber (taxi-hailing) and Airbnb (room-renting), will clash with regulators as they try to dominate new markets before local rivals can. Either way, the unicorn-hunters are out in force.

unicorn: n. 独角兽

cockroach: n. 甲由

a herd of: 一群

strive: vi. 力图

lofty: adj. 挺拔的

valuation: n. 估值

dip into: 浸进

hoof: n. 蹄子

tolerance: n. 耐烦

clash with: 取……发生抵触

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