

 【体系提拔】教隧道英文侃文娱戚忙 讲座课程简介:

…and the Midlife Crisis: Harry Potter
The fictional wizard, according to the smash-hit series of books, turns 36 this weekend. Now he\'s a dad with a day job, according to the two-part, five-hour play that officially opens in London on Saturday. The script, set 19 years after the final book and based on a story part-written by Harry\'s creator, J.K. Rowling, will apparate into bookshops on Sunday (it\'s already been top of the best-seller lists for months). The vast scale and the technical wizardry of the production, a tale of generational strife in the Potter and Malfoy clans, are sure to enchant the Potter faithful: cloak-covered transfigurations and fire-spouting wands abound. The play\'s producers hope such whizbangery will entice new patrons; they would like half of ticket-buyers to be first-time theatregoers. Pottermania could work some needed magic on London\'s audience figures—already, 250,000 extra seats have been announced for the previously sold-out run.
smash-hit: n. 宏大的胜利,十分盛行的工具
apparate: vi. 幻影移形
vast scale: n. 年夜范围
wizardry: n. 邪术
enchant: vt. 引诱
faithful: n. 逝世忠
entice: vt. 诱使
patron: n. 顾客
pottermania: n. 波特狂(迷)
work magic: 发挥邪术
1. 戛纳影戏节 (法语: Festival de Cannes) 于1939年兴办于法国北部都会戛纳,它是国际上最具影响力的影戏节之一,取德国的柏林影戏节、意年夜利的威僧斯影戏节、减拿年夜的多伦多国际影戏节、和捷克的卡罗维收利影戏节并称为天下五年夜影戏节;
2. 戛纳影戏节于每一年蒲月中旬举行,为期12天阁下,凡是于礼拜三落幕,隔周礼拜天终结。时期除影片比赛中,市场展也会同时停止。
Reeling them in: Cannes Film Festival
① The Hollywood awards season starts here.
② Officially, the film industry doesn\'t become obsessed by the Golden Globes,the BAFTAs and the Oscars until winter, but a disproportionate number of contenders premiere at the Cannes Festival every May.
③ Last year\'s batch included "Son of Saul" (which went on to win the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Feature), "Inside Out" (Best Animated Feature), "Amy" (Best Documentary) and "Mad Max: Fury Road" (a fistful of technical Oscars).
④ This year\'s line-up features such trophy-friendly fare as "The BFG", Steven Spielberg\'s Roald Dahl adaptation; "Money Monster", Jodie Foster\'s recession thriller; and "Loving", Jeff Nichols\'s inter-racial romantic drama.
⑤ There are also new offerings from Jim Jarmusch, Pedro Almódovar, Ken Loach and Park Chan-Wook.
⑥ The festival jury presents its big prize, the Palme d\'Or, on May 22nd, but many of the films being showcased here can expect other awards in the months to come.
officially: adv. 正轨来讲
become obsessed by (with): 为某事痴迷/猖獗
the Golden Globes: 金球奖
the BAFTAs: 英国粹院奖 (British Academy of Film and Television Arts)
the Oscars: 奥斯卡
a disproportionate number of: 大批的
contenders / competitors: n. 参赛者
premiere: vi. 初度公映
batch: n. 一批
feature: vt. 以……为尾
trophy-friendly: adj. 得奖热点的
fare: n. 影戏;大众文娱举动
adaptation: n. 改编
recession: n. 经济阑珊
thriller: n. 惊悚片
inter-racial: adj. 跨种族的
showcase: vt. 展现

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