Maya+ZBrush游戏武器斧子建模贴图教程 Stylized Game Model Tutorial

Maya+ZBrush游戏兵器斧子建模揭图教程 Stylized Game Model Tutorial1093,maya,zbrush,游戏,兵器,斧子

maya+zbrush游戏兵器斧子建模揭图教程 Stylized Game Model Tutorial – Axe

6个小时视频教程,解说Maya+ZBrush+Substance Painter共同建造游戏兵器斧子的完好步调

Fully Narrated instructional videos on how to create a Stylized Game Weapon.Learn how to model, Uv, prepare model for sculpting, and texturing the model with a full workflow series of videos.

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