Maya三维人体力学教程 Animation Mentor

Maya三维人膂力教教程 Animation Mentor1303,maya,三维,三维人,维人,人体

maya三维人体力教教程 Animation Mentor – Course 3 – Advanced Body Mechanics

正在从前的课程中教到的常识的根底上,用脚色建造愈来愈多的动绘镜头。 挑选一个脚色并创立本人的序列,利用剪辑去协助报告您的故事。 不管您是念让您的脚色脱过墙壁仍是跳出飞机,本教程城市教您须要的妙技,让您的身材战身材力教绘声绘色。

In Advanced Body Mechanics, build on your learning from previous courses to animate increasingly physical shots with your characters. Pick a character and create your own sequence, using cuts to help tell your story. Whether you want to send your character barreling through a wall or jumping out of a plane, Advanced Body Mechanics will teach you the necessary skills to animate physicality and body mechanics believably.

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