手工纹理贴图制作教程 ArtStation

脚工纹理揭图建造教程 ArtStation761,脚工,纹理,纹理揭图,揭图,建造

脚工纹理揭图建造教程 ArtStation – Handmade Mosaic Tutorial Vol.03

解说正在Substance Designer中建造脚工艺品气势派头纹理揭图,理解Substance Designer的SVG事情流程

After watching this process, you can create any type of mosaic material easily. This tutorial can help you to understand SVG workflow in the substance designer. with SVG you can have a very flexible way to draw anything such as a custom mask or pattern in substance designer. The mosaic pattern could be a great example of this usage and that is what you learn in this tutorial. I hope you can learn and enjoy that.

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