blender科幻影戏场景建造教程 Udemy – Blender 3 + Reality Capture Futuristic Movie Scence Files
解说正在Blender 3中一步一步建造实在科幻场景,包罗Blender的建模、揭图材量、摄像灵活绘战场景灯光、动绘战衬着,RealityCapture中实在照片的扫描等
Learn step by step how to create a futuristic movie scene in Blender (free) and how to photo scan in Reality Capture
- You will learn how to model in Blender
- You will learn how to create more complex textures in Blender
- You will learn how to create a scene, set up a camera and lighting
- You will learn the basics of animation in Blender
- It will teach you how to photo-scan objects in RealityCapture
- You will be taught how to achieve a cinematic look