Maya三维场景灯光材质着色器设置教程 Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol.1 + Vol.2

Maya三维场景灯光材量着色器设置教程 Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol.1 + Vol.2714,

Maya三维场景灯光材量着色器设置教程 Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol.1 + Vol.2

包罗两套教程Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol. 1 Lighting Theory 战Lighting & Look Dev Essentials Vol. 2 Shading & Texturing,别离解说Maya中场景灯光战材量着色器的设置,经由过程Redshift衬着输出,前期经由过程Nuke分解

There are some absolute essentials you need to know when tackling lighting in CG. This 5-hour workshop by Adrien Vallecilla sheds light on everything you need to be aware of when lighting 3D environments, particularly if you’re looking to become a successful lighter or look-dev artist working in digital production.

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