建筑可视化材质教程 Lynda – Substance Designer for Architectural Visualization 2019

修建可视化材量教程 Lynda – Substance Designer for Architectural Visualization 20199456,

修建可视化教程 Lynda – Substance Designer for Architectural Visualization 2019

解说正在Substance Designer中建造多种修建相干的材量,好比天毯、天板战天花板瓷砖等,包罗发明揭图,深度揭图,AO揭图的建造等

In this course, learn how to quickly create a variety of architectural materials in Allegorithmic Substance Designer, for application in design-visualization projects. Structured as a series of case studies on common material types such as carpet, vinyl flooring, and ceiling tile, this course incorporates techniques for crafting custom materials as needed for a design while staying true to the manufacturer’s intentions. Discover how to create height, normal, and ambient occlusion maps for your substances, mask pattern components to simulate custom material blending such as mixed tile, and more.

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