游戏角色衣服布料制作MD教程 Skillshare

游戏脚色衣服布料建造MD教程 Skillshare3650,

游戏脚色衣服布料建造MD教程 Skillshare – Realistic Clothing Workflow for AAA Game Male Characters

正在Marvelous Designer战Zbrush的共同利用下建造3A游戏高文中男性脚色衣服的教程,需求必然的硬件根底,进阶教程,解说正在ZBrush中脚色的建造,正在MD中布料的建造,给人物减上衣服等

This course is not for absolute zbrush beginners. To have some sort of zbrush basic experience is required.At the end of this course, you will be able to use Marvelous Designer & Zbrush workflow to create high quality realistic clothing for AAA game male characters.

  • Sculpting the base body
  • Creating cloth patterns in MD
  • Refining the wrinkles and folds in Zbrush
  • Adding memory folds
  • Adding Wear & Tear
  • Posing the Character
  • Rendering for presentation

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