水晶建模C4D教程 Modeling Crystal Shards with Voronoi Fracture and MoGraph Selections

火晶建模C4D教程 Modeling Crystal Shards with Voronoi Fracture and MoGraph Selections5791,火晶,建模,c4d,教程,modeling

火晶建模c4d教程 modeling Crystal Shards with Voronoi Fracture and MoGraph Selections

正在C4D R18中经由过程泰森团结战活动图形教结果器去建造火晶散群发展动绘,简朴的小教程

In this tutorial, Donovan Keith explains how to quickly model crystal shards using Voronoi Fracture and MoGraph Selections in Cinema 4D R18.

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