灯光渲染特效教程 Lighting VFX Workflows with Katana and RenderMan

灯光衬着殊效教程 Lighting VFX Workflows with Katana and RenderMan4654,灯光,衬着,殊效,教程,lighting

灯光衬着殊效教程 lighting VFX Workflows with Katana and RenderMan

起首引见正在Katana中建造HDRI揭图,然后婚配灯光,最初正在Nuke中停止衬着,用到Katana 2.6, RenderMan 21, NUKE 11, Maya 2017等硬件

In this course, Lighting VFX Workflows in Katana and RenderMan, you’ll learn how to efficiently use those software packages in conjunction with NUKE 11 to integrate any CG asset to a backplate. First, you’ll discover how to stitch and prepare the HDRI to be used on Katana. Next, you’ll explore how to match the lighting on Katana to the corresponding lighting on set. Finally, you’ll cover how to quickly calibrate the lighting of your renders in NUKE and bring back that information to Katana for the final render. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll not only be able to integrate any asset to your plates, but also develop a solid VFX lighting workflow.

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