三维扫描全息投影C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Creating Ghost in the Shell Inspired HUD Effect Tutorial

三维扫描齐息投影C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Creating Ghost in the Shell Inspired HUD Effect Tutorial2300,三维,三维扫描,扫描,齐息,齐息投影

三维扫描齐息投影C4D教程 Cinema 4D – Creating Ghost in the Shell Inspired HUD Effect Tutorial

正在C4D中建造HUD扫描,齐息投影结果动绘,次要用到C4D的Sketch and Toon功用,最初会正在AE中停止调色分解,增加辉光,恍惚等

In this tutorial, we’ll create a cool HUD scan line effect inspired by a scene from Ghost in the Shell movie using Sketch and Toon in Cinema 4D.


  • Covering Sketch and Toon effect basics
  • Learning about the Contour Line type
  • Using patterned lines to create dotted lines
  • Covering Sketch Material options to create tech lines
  • Using Sketch Style Tags to apply Sketch Materials to individual objects
  • Using Material Selection Tags with Sketch Style Tags
  • Compositing in After Effects to add Glows, Blurs and Color Correction

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