ZBrush+PS制作游戏原画角色卡通头部制作设计教程 Cubebrush

ZBrush+PS建造游戏本绘脚色卡通头部建造设想教程 Cubebrush466,

ZBrush+PS建造游戏本绘脚色卡通头部建造设想教程 Cubebrush – Character Head Design Workflow

ZBrush 战 Photoshop共同建造游戏本绘脚色头部建造教程,正在Zbrush中雕琢模子文件衬着,然后PS增加细节分解,包罗工程文件

This tutorial by veteran artist Marc Brunet covers the creation of a character head design in ZBrush and Photoshop. The full tutorial runs at a little under 2 hours and is only sped up 2x the normal speed, so anybody can easily follow along.

  • 2 chapters
  • Final sculpt
  • PSDs
  • High res final image

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