AE僵尸场景MP合成教程 VFX Bootcamp Zombie Highway

AE僵尸场景MP分解教程 VFX Bootcamp Zombie Highway2407,僵尸,场景,分解,成教,教程

AE僵尸场景MP分解教程 VFX Bootcamp Zombie Highway

解说AE matte painting的一些根本本领,分解一个终日僵尸场景,包罗公路上的坑,曲降机,光效的增加等

I will guide you through a small VFX pipeline to make an amazing movie clip-Once learned you will have the knowledge to take on your own footage and create some stunning visual FX. I will cover Matte painting work and how to use resources from our original footage, than we proceed in creating movement in the shot with various items like smoke- Then on to some 3d integration to make the shot really sing.

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