Blender头发毛发笔刷插件 3D Hair Brush V3.2 + 使用教程

Blender头收毛收笔刷插件 3D Hair Brush V3.2 + 利用教程7240,blender,头收,收毛,毛收,收笔

blender头收毛收笔刷插件 3D Hair Brush V3.2 + 利用教程

3D Hair Brush是Blender一款壮大的毛收建造插件,可使用直线掌握、随机值掌握、毛收修正器等,能够辨别模子庞大的肌肉外表,也包罗多种笔刷预设

3D Hair Brush is a powerful hair tool, including 3D brushes with Pie Menu, Use Radius Curve, Use Diameter Random, and Hair Modifier. 3D brushes can distinguish complex muscle surfaces of models and provide artists with a wonderful experience of grooming hairstyles in Blender; With multiple well-designed brushes presets, it gives efficient solutions to making varying hairstyles


  • Blender 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2


  • 正在顶部菜单编纂(Edit)-尾选项(Preference)-插件(Add-ons)-装置(Install),弹窗里挑选对应的版本zip装置

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