VideoCopilot三维星球AE插件 ORB V1.0.3 CS6-CC2022 Win/Mac + 使用教程 + 6K地球贴图

VideoCopilot三维星球AE插件 ORB V1.0.3 CS6-CC2022 Win/Mac + 利用教程 + 6K天球揭图1621,三维,星球,插件,orb,利用

VideoCopilot三维星球AE插件 orb V1.0.3 CS6-CC2022 Win/Mac + 利用教程 + 6K天球揭图


ORB is a Powerful New After Effects Plug-in to Create Detailed 3D Spheres and Planets, but be sure to check out our other amazing free Plug-Ins, too!
  • 实在物理衬着结果/Physically Based Shader
    • 情况反射揭图 Environment Reflection Maps
    • 活动恍惚 Motion Blur
    • 初级揭图UV设置 Advanced UV Settings
  • 明度暗影遮罩设置/Advanced Illumination With Shadow Masking
  • 白日夜早随便切换/Use After Effects Light To Shift Between Day & Night
    • 基于明度调理 Built-In Illumination
    • 明度设置 Advanced Illumination Options
    • AE内乱置灯光掌握 Works Seamlessly with After Effects Lights!
  • 360齐景衬着/360° Environment Rendering
  • 有限星空布景情况/Create A Seamless Background Of Stars


  • AE CS6大概更下版本


  • 挑选对应版本装置,装置的时分,假如出有呈现您的AE版本,面击Custom,面击Plugin Path,挑选AE装置目次的plugins便可

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