图形绘制建模插件 Quick Shape v4.2 For Blender 2.83+

图形画造建模插件 Quick Shape v4.2 For Blender 2.83+8530,

图形画造建模插件 Quick Shape v4.2 For Blender 2.83+

QuickShape能够正在Blender中间接画造天生多边形,多种画造方法,撑持Blender 2.83大概更下版本

With QuickShape you will be able to draw shapes instantly in 3D.

  • Draw with Box, Circle, Lasso, NGON or Metaballs.
  • NGON with Snapping, Freehand drawing and Arc support.
  • Draw tapered/bevelled shapes.
  • Auto mirroring and arraying for every shape you draw.
  • Randomize depth to bring variety to your shapes.
  • UVs are kept intact for Photomodelling.
  • And so much more!


  • 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93


  • 正在顶部菜单编纂(Edit)-尾选项(Preference)-插件(AAdd-ons)-装置(Install),弹窗里挑选对应的版本zip装置
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