AE视频跟踪面部替换科幻化妆教程 Sci-fi Digital Makeup Using Facial Tracking in After Effects

AE视频跟踪脸部交换科变幻妆教程  Sci-fi Digital Makeup Using Facial Tracking in After Effects1458,

AE视频跟踪脸部交换科变幻妆教程 Sci-fi Digital Makeup Using Facial Tracking in After Effects

正在AE中跟踪脸部,将头部交换成中星人结果,用到Mesh Warp 网格变形去改正脸部,同时触及到不变等其他常识,包罗工程文件

In this After Effects tutorial, we?ll learn how to transform an ordinary human actress into an alien creature.We will start off by tracking the face of the actress with the facial tracking system in After Effects. We will then use that information to stabilize the face.

Then using Mesh Warp we?ll warp the face, beginning our alien transformation. We?ll go over reversing the stabilization of the face, then move into Photoshop and create some textures to use in After Effects for digital makeup.Back in After Effects, we?ll get the textures to move with the actor?s face by using tracking data from the facial tracker. Finally, we?ll learn some tricks on how to handle textures for heads rotating in 3D space.

By the end of this After Effects training, you?ll have created a very impressive looking alien woman and learned some techniques you can start using right away to create a huge variety of digital makeup effects in your own projects.

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