C4D手绘卡通MG风格教程 Creating Line Art Animations Using Cinema 4D’s Sketch and Toon

C4D脚画卡通MG气势派头教程 Creating Line Art Animations Using Cinema 4D’s Sketch and Toon4179,

C4D脚画卡通MG气势派头教程 Creating Line Art Animations Using Cinema 4D’s Sketch and Toon


In this tutorial, EJ Hassenfratz demonstrates the process of applying line art style to your 3D objects using Sketch and Toon in Cinema 4D. You’ll learn how to flatly texture your object and apply strokes to your objects and even splines. We’ll also be looking at how to apply Sketch Style Tags to be able to apply specific styles and sketch materials to individual objects in your scene.

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