苹果音乐编辑软件Logic基础全面教程 Lynda

苹果音乐编纂硬件Logic根底片面教程 Lynda2214,苹果,音乐,音乐编纂,编纂,编纂硬件

苹果音乐编纂硬件Logic根底片面教程 Lynda – Logic Pro X Essential Training

Logic Pro X是苹果的公用音乐编纂硬件,教程教我们怎样做直,灌音,编纂,混音等,固然,我们起首需求把握硬件的界里战利用流程,然后一步一步熟习每一个界里的利用办法

These days, the studio is as much a part of music making as the musician. Logic Pro X combines the best of both worlds: features to bring fresh musical ideas to life, and tools to derive the most from a performance. In this course, Scott Hirsch takes you over the Logic learning curve, showing how to compose, record, edit, and mix great sounding tracks. First, get comfortable with the setup and workflow, and then learn how to record audio, MIDI, and virtual instruments. Scott shows how to use samples and Apple Loops, and conform their time and pitch to better fit a song. Next, learn about editing and arranging techniques for both audio and MIDI data. Moving deeper into the program, Scott explains how to work with music notation and score to video. He wraps up the course with extensive information on mixing, exporting, and sharing your final tracks.


  • Exploring templates
  • Controlling playback
  • Making beats with Ultrabeat
  • Jamming on the iPad with Logic Remote
  • Recording MIDI in separate takes
  • Quantizing MIDI performances
  • Creating Apple Loops
  • Recording live performances
  • Composing in the Score Editor
  • Scoring music to video
  • Mixing with patches
  • Adding reverb and delay
  • Bouncing down your mix



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