中文汉化AE插件-高级图层折叠效果 Fold v1.1.1 Win/Mac

中文汉化AE插件-初级图层合叠结果 Fold v1.1.1 Win/Mac9514,中文,文汉,汉化,插件,初级

Fold是After Effects的一款初级合叠插件。您能够经由过程挪动绘里上供给的“脚柄”利用它去创立2D“合叠纸”结果。借能够掌握暗影的范例,色彩,合叠的标的目的战段数。


Fold is an plug-in for After Effects. You can use it to create a 2D “folded paper” effect by moving the provided “handles”. As addition you can control the type of the shadow, its color, the direction of the folds and the number of segments.

1.1.1更新内乱容:更新了激活稀钥 URL。增加了对多帧衬着战Apple Silicon的撑持。

撑持Win/Mac体系:AE CC 2015 – 22022 或更下版


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