AE/PR插件-复古电影胶片灼烧光效噪点颗粒视觉特效 Dehancer Film 1.0.0 CE

AE/PR插件-复古影戏胶片灼烧光效噪面颗粒视觉殊效 Dehancer Film 1.0.0 CE9762,

数十种具有实正模仿掌握的实在拍照战影戏胶片。胶片颗粒、光效战光晕结果去完成表面。完整本死撑持 ACES 管讲。能够正在硬件中给绘里建造一些胶片边框,灼烧光效,噪面刮痕等复古视觉殊效。


Dehancer is a Film Emulation plugin for that uses real photographic and motion picture film stocks with analogue controls. Dehancer includes Film Grain, Bloom and Halation effects to really bring your still photos to life.


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